Definition of Regular Investigation:
Obtain the initial search keywords of regular investigation to get the target patents through the analysis and comparison of patents vs. patents, correction, and induction of keywords are continued to obtain the desired target patents. The process needs to be read from the derived subject patent. After the keyword is set, the target patent can be automatically generated to the client during the specified period.
Key for Regular Investigation:
Detailed reading, regular investigation keywords, regular investigation keyword suggestions, logical inferences and experience orientation.
The ExPER tool by InSearchIP proceeds the goal of “assisting reading”, providing the most detailed graphic and text display, which is relatively easy to read the detail, can draw keywords of regular investigation and the target patent correctly, perfect satisfaction is guaranteed to our customers.
Efficacy of ExPER tool:
As reading becomes easy, effective, correct, and relaxed, the reading becomes correct, easy, and efficient when receiving the subject patent in the regular investigation. The judgment of the performer will become more accurate.