Technology Comparison

Definition of Technology Comparison

A process of performing technology analysis in terms of technology vs. technology and technology vs. merchandise to find substantial difference there between. .

Key for Technology Comparison

Detailed reading, logical deduction, experience oriented


ExPER all-round reading tool, introduced by InSearchIP Corp., is designed for purpose of “Easy Reading”, from which ExPER provides most comfortable experience for cross-reference of specification and drawings. The detailed patent analysis becomes easier. Thus, users are ensured to analysis IP better.

Efficacy of ExPER tool

1. As patent reading becomes easier, faster, more efficient and precise, the patents filtered by users are with better accuracy and reliability. Accordingly, the technology/function matrix table are more accurate and reliable too. Users could further explore their technological experience. The developing results could be more reliable.

2. The lengthy and tedious technological developing process could turn to be clear and precise at once.